Slider Gastronomie

Kochkunst geniessen…

Park.Hotel Ahrbergen Liebigstr. 35, 31180 Ahrbergen +49 (0) 5066-7055-0
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Start your day right - with our breakfast buffet!

What’s better than a good long breakfast?

We await you in our garden restaurant with a great view on the beautiful forest.

We offer all kinds of coffee you can think of. Whether you prefer a classic black coffee, Cappuccino or Latte Macchiato we’ve got you covered.

Sweet tooth or tasty our buffet offers something for everyone. You can choose from a wide range of sausages and cheese, jam, honey…
You want your egg hard-boiled or soft-boiled? Or do you prefer scrambled egg or fried egg?

Our breakfast buffet is available Monday – Friday from 6:30am to 10am – on Saturday and Sundy from 7:30am to 11:00am.

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